Aurora 3D Text & Logo Maker 12.08.10 Full Keygen
MediaFire | JumboFiles | Sharebeast
Aurora 3D Text & Logo Maker 12.08.10 Full Version - Merupakan satu-satunya software canggih terbaik yang dapat anda gunakan untuk membuat / menciptakan Text 3D, Button dan Logo kreasi anda sendiri dengan sangat mudah dan cepat. Aurora 3D Text & Logo Maker 12.08.10 Full Versi memang di rancang untuk memudahkan penggunanya dalam berkreasi, software ini memiliki banyak sekali pilihan template teks, logo dan juga efek tekstur animasi. Anda juga dapat memilih berbagai bevel dan alignment, pencahayaan yang bisa disesuaikan dan mengimport font dan SVG untuk diubah ke dalam bentuk tiga dimensi.
- The template has as many as hundreds of style options, and user-friendly operation, to save you a lot of work time and increase efficiency;
- Reflection, reflection, mixing, deformation texture, and other operations, metal, glass, plastic and other texture effects, so that your work will never lose a powerful 3D software;
- Hand shape, svg graphics and fonts graphic import, and import pictures and external model, the flexibility to use the software to easily respond to your various design needs.
- the software specially designed for the advanced operator, making the text and the shape of the move, rotate, zoom, change the size is very convenient, all without using the value of the window, everything seems intuitive, creative.
- unlimited undo, making various attempts to become dont worry about.
- front and side color, material, texture of shape and text can be adjusted. Software contains dozens of texture library to choose from, coupled with the unique texture reflection, mirror, transparent effects, makes it easy to create metal, glass and other special effects.
- texture support zoom, move, rotate, etc. deformation, increase the flexibility of texture. In addition, we can easily create animated textures, the texture was more realistic.
- dozens of ways to free choice of bevels, bevel height can be freely adjusted to meet the needs of different shapes.
- the software provides three adjustable lighting modes
Link download
- MediaFire | Aurora 3D Text & Logo Maker 12.08.10 Full Keygen - (42MB)
- JumboFiles | Aurora 3D Text & Logo Maker 12.08.10 Full Keygen - (42MB)
- Sharebeast | Aurora 3D Text & Logo Maker 12.08.10 Full Keygen - (42MB)
1. Ekstrak / Unrar
2. Install Aurora 3D Text & Logo Maker
3. Run keygen:
- Product: Aurora 3D Text & Logo Maker v11.0
- Registry Info: Isi dengan nama anda
Setelah itu Klik Generate > Klik Patch > Buka Folder Installasi program lalu klik Open
4. Run program Aurora 3D Text & Logo Maker > kemudian lakukan registrasi ( pada kolom Registry Info dan Serial Number copas dari keygen ) Untuk yang lainnya bisa anda isi sesuka hati.
5. Enjoy
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