Data Sweeper PRO 3.1.0 Full Version - Adalah software ringan yang berfungsi untuk menghapus informasi / file secara permanen dari komputer / laptop dengan sangat cepat dan mudah. Tentu teman-teman sekalian sudah mengetahui bukan ? ketika kita menghapus sebuah file dari pc kita, file tersebut tidak akan terhapus secara permanen bahkan jika file tersebut sudah kita hapus dari Recycle Bin masih ada kemungkinan besar file tersebut dapat di kembalikan dan di curi oleh tangan-tangan jahil yang tidak bertanggung jawab. Dan cara mengembalikan file tersebut sangat beraneka ragam, salah satunya yang paling ampuh adalah dengan menggunakan software file recovery yang sudah banyak bertebaran di internet. Namun berbeda ketika kita menghapus informasi / file dengan menggunakan Data Sweeper PRO ini, segala sesuatu yang di hapus dengan Data Sweeper PRO tidak akan dapat di kembalikan lagi bahkan dengan software recovery sekalipun.
Data Sweeper Pro is a lightweight, fast and easy to use file shredder which provides you a safe way to dispose of any file for good. If you need to get rid of sensitive private information such as bank statements, ID papers, credit card information then Data Sweeper Pro is a must have.
Once you delete a file, the content of the file is not destroyed and it is very common for data scavenging software to reconstruct the original file. Files can be restored even if you empty the Windows Recycle Bin and in order to make sure your file will never be recovered, you need to physically “shred” the disk contents by filling it up with random data.
The interface provided by Data Sweeper Pro offers instant access to it’s core features such as : active list of files to be shredded, shred method (random char fill or zero overwrite which is faster, by the way) and one final important parameter : the number of passes in the shredding process. Yes, it is possible to define a custom level of data security by repeatedly overwriting the file until no data can be restored , not even by manually examining the hard disk’ structure. Cool, huh?
The most common case of data misuse and privacy risk happens if you decide to sell your hard disk / thumb drive on Internet without properly shredding its contents. There are numerous people buying used hardware from eBay specifically for the leftover data they might discover on it.
Protect your privacy against unauthorized data access by shredding ALL sensitive information with Data Sweeper Pro !
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